About Project Parent

When did it start?
Project Parent was founded in June 2013, when I was lucky enough to receive a £300 to start my project off, from O2 Think Big.

What do you do?
My project involves making up gift boxes for parents of children who are in hospital over Christmas. This started primarily focusing on the RVI Newcastle but I'm hoping it will expand all across the UK

Why do this?
I found that during the Christmas period there is a lot of things for the children in hospital, like visits from santa and donated presents. However, there is nothing available for the parents and the children are often too poorly to go out and buy anything for them. So, that's where we come in. Making sure everyone has something to open on Christmas morning.

Is it just for Christmas?
Fundraising takes place all year round. I have limited to handing out the gift boxes just during Christmas due to funding, but watch this space. I'm hoping to do it at different periods throughout the year in the future

How can I help?
We are always looking for volunteers and project leaders. We also have continual fundraising events and if you would like to help support or run these events get in touch with me on my contact page.


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